

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to title this blog post to kick this off, but I thought it would be kind of correct to title this blog post genesis. What I plan to write in this blog is something that has been gnawing on my brain for the last few years. It’s only gotten more loud and worse over time especially with the advent of AI as it infiltrates our industries and causes us to look deep within ourselves to find out if we actually know what we are doing as an industry. I keep asking myself if I am crazy or a crackpot and whether or not this idea is worth pursuing. But every time I turn around, I get further confirmation that this is the right time and place for this idea.

I have an idea that is so revolutionary that I am questioning myself and whether or not I am losing my mind. I worry that this is some delusion that I am feeding but the more I go down this road, the more I can tell you that I have no doubt that this visionary idea is what is going to carry us from the Classical Age and into the Quantum Age. The Quantum Age…what is that? Everyone else is clamoring about Artificial Intelligence but the reality is that we have yet to see the true potential of what we can achieve with artificial intelligence. But it won’t happen until we enter the quantum age. Quantum Computing. Quantum Energy. Quantum Marketing. Quantum. Having lived through the evolution of the Internet boom, I can only imagine that we are have barely hit dial up speeds. While everyone else is focused on AI, I’m looking beyond and how we can evolve our systems to embrace this new technology and more beyond.

This is going to sound completely delusional, but I think I have discovered the framework to growth. A framework that has been applied to every organization featured in Jim Collin’s books like Good to Great, and have determined that the ones that succeeded followed a certain pattern. A pattern that the Growth Flywheel can’t even begin to explain. Not only can this pattern be applied to business, but it can be applied to marketing. It can be applied to concepts as simple as gardening and something as robust as space travel. It is based in concepts of Quantum Mechanics.

The more I run this concept through my simulations, the more I am convinced that Growth can be Engineered. I’m not talking about linear growth. I’m talking about exponential growth. I’m not talking about scaling your business. I’m talking about hitting the tipping point. I believe that you can engineer the tipping point and make it happen if you follow these concepts.

The purpose of writing this blog, is to primarily publish my work, but to also help me to clarify and simplify the concepts until I have it honed down. I call this the Growth Engineering Framework. It consists of three main parts.

  1. A Clarity Engine that contains an Alignment Matrix that includes Growth Forces.
  2. A Growth Pyramid that contains a series of Founder Engines.
  3. And an Engine of Visibility that connects the two in a feedback loop.

I only just now started theorizing that the Engine of Visibility acts as a quantum entanglements to provide instantaneous feedback and allows for instant pivoting to perfect the output of growth.

Mind you none of this is proven, but I plan to document and begin running experiments to determine if I can prove this framework before sharing it in full with peers. After all, as marketers we are scientists. Anthropologists who observe and conduct experiments.

I would love to prove this framework with marketing and business and later with other aspects. I believe that I can take this framework to build a complete software solution that can run with minimal input and make minute adjustments over time based on the feedback loop. When Quantum Communication becomes mainstream and we are able to send data instantaneously, it will drive this system to grow anything you can think of.

I guess this is what Genesis looks like. I hope that I am creating something that world will come to appreciate.

James Bullis

Drawing on his experiences in digital marketing, engineering principles, and human behavior, James Bullis developed the Growth Engineering Framework to help businesses navigate complexity and achieve sustainable growth. The framework reflects his mission to empower entrepreneurs to align with their vision and values, creating systems that lead to meaningful and exponential success.

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